Angelspit scores sponsorship with World’s number one Energy Drink – SKY HIGH
Join us in celebrating Angelspit’s partnership with SKY HIGH, the biggest energy drink in the World.
Our global endorsement with energy drink SKY HIGH launched today. SKY HIGH has taken Japan, Europe and Australia by storm and will soon be served across the USA. A refreshing burst of taste with a rejuvenating burst of energy!
From SKY HIGH CEO, Alan Smithee:
“SKY HIGH is more than a refreshing taste, it’s pure energy to get you through life, just like Angel’s Pit. What a band! Super high energy…just like SKY HIGH, they are the best thing I’ve heard come out of New Zealand since Die Antwoord”
“People are so jealous about our sponsorship with the NUMBER ONE energy drink on Earth…but i say F#$K THEM – I just want more people to drink SKY HIGH – it gives me the energy boost I need!…’coz just like Rehannon says, ‘haters gunna hate’…but she doesn’t drink SKY HIGH, so F%*K HER too…!”
– Zoog Von Rock, Angelspit.
Enjoy SKY HIGH’s first American commercial featuring Angel’s Pit:
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