We’re working on a track that’s a little different. It’s built on a simple drum pattern with 2 bleepy synth sounds. The little bleeps are engineered to sound thin and crispy. The drums are pure analogue and FAT. We’ll be putting trash garage sounding punk guitars over them…we’re aiming for something sparse and rough.
There’s no “bass line”. The bass frequencies are taken up with an enormous analogue kick drum. We’re building the kick, snare, hats and other percussion using the modular.
An Envelope Generator is triggered by the GATE output from the MIDI->CV convertor. This Envelope shapes the oscillator. It’s a spike that falls to a low thud. Using either a Saw, Square or Sine radically alters the sound of the kick. Distort to taste….and we like it tasty!
We will triple stack the kick. We’ll use a distorted Sine wave kick panned centre. This will be fat and thumpy, run through a deadly Filter – most likely the Moog. Two other VCOs (with 120Hz EQed out) are panned hard Left and Right. These have a bit more tops.