Lyrics from Angelspit’s 2020 album DIESEL PRIEST (CAT: BPRP46)
ISRC: USB6A2100305
Vocals: Zoog Von Rock
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Words and Music by Zoog Von Rock © Angelspit 2021.
T=143 BPM
Scoop you up another serving
Slop it on your big silver plate
When you eat enough of this shit
You’ll convinced yourself it’s an acquired taste
Commander-and-thief won’t give up their power
They’ll employ the poor to protect their arse
Their militia will gladly kill their own families
So they can keep their cake and circus
…and gorge on the violence
…and gorge on the violence
…and gorge on the violence
…and gorge on the violence
Freedom is obedience,
Obedience is work, work is life
Creeping conformity,
Evil on demand, they are coming, you are next
Re-education without question
If you want peace, prepare for war
A divided workforce is easy to exploit
It’s a comfortable lie, but I’d buy that for a dollar
I’m fat from eating the dream
I got disaster fatigue
The constant bullshit you spread around
Just want to rich on my plate
So I become what I hate
Whatever happened to Uncle Sam?
Guided by the better angels of my nature
But my bad side took over
I regret what I did, but I did it to survive
Love and manipulation are often aligned
You love your country more than it loves you
That false sense of freedom, liberty and truth
Revolution begins with the misfits
Pours gasoline, lights match
…Drops in dumpster, Skips away
I’m fat from eating the dream
I got disaster fatigue
The constant bullshit you spread around
Just want to rich on my plate
So I become what I hate
Whatever happened to Uncle Sam?