Andres Komatsu interviews Angelspit’s Zoog Von Rock
– Zoog Von Rock
I shall like beginning this interview to speak about the album Blood Death Ivory (released in 2008). Next year this album will have 10 years old.
If I speak about it today it’s because he have enormously marked me aesthetically / musically / and technically. Krankhaus was excellent, but BDI has slapped my face. It is the perfect synthesis of the sound / cyberpunk universe such as we imagined in 90’s. Can you speak to us about the genesis of this album?
Zoog: Thank you! Blood Death Ivory is one of my favorite albums. I try and make all albums as brutal and driving as that album.
I wrote this album while I was living in Berlin. I had limited gear and my computer was terrible (I could not afford a better computer!)
I loved Berlin – this album reflected its cold, dark, distorted, beauty.
The lyrics were inspired by my first major contact with Angelspit fans – at the show I would talk to them, listen to them and hear about their concerns – these became the lyrics.
Since the end of your duet with Amelia Arsenic (alias Destroyx), Angelspit have enormously evolved artistically. What passed ? A return of Amelia is envisaged in a near future? You were so great both.
Angelspit has just released our 7th album – called BLACK DOG BITE. 12 new tracks of pure mayhem! Ultra-brutal beats, dirty synths, scathing vocals and cynical lyrics. IT’S TOUGH AS F*CK!
In 2014, you have participate in a American Tour + sound track of the silent movie Nosferatu (release in 1922) with several other artists. We were unfortunately lucky to listen that in France. Is it an exercise which made for you progressed musically or it was simply a small artistic bracket ?
I love doing the soundtracks to silent movies! Besides performing “Nosferatu” with The Gothsicles and The Dead Room, I have also performed “Phantom of the Opera” with EchoHaus. These were produced by an AMAZING art facility in Chicago called Comfort Station.
These soundtracks let me experiment with noise and building electro-acoustic instruments. This is core to industrial music. These have become my sonic pilgrimages to the unholy land…!
I spoke about it later : the music of Angelspit is resolutely cyberpunk / very industrial. What gave this sound, your influences or your machines? Moreover by speaking about machines, which one are omnipresent during your sessions of recordings studio?
My biggest musical influences are Stevie Wonder, Peter Gabriel and Jean Michel Jarre. Music must take you on a journey, and change you, enlighten you…and this is such a challenge for me. I want to write music that will help people through their day, help them tolerate their job, help them know that they are awesome, help them heal, help them ROCK!
I love old samplers – I have a collection of samplers from E-mu including EMAX 1 and 2, Emulator 2, 3 and 4. They have a glorious sound!
I love my Doepfer modular synth. It’s been the backbone of Angelspit since the beginning.
I also have a collection of older analogue synths in Australia – Jupiter 8s, Prophet 5, ect….and I miss them terribly.
I love the Doepfer modular synth because it is perfect for experimenting. I often make a crazy sound by accident which so ends up being the main sound in the track.
Speak to us of the project Patreon . I don’t have understand everything in your explanations on the video that you posted (and I think that can interest your French fan-base).
Angelspit launched a Patreon where we deliver a new song, video and live session each month. You pay per delivery. I am hoping to deliver once a month. It starts at $1.20 and goes up to $80. Here’s how it works:
This is not a remix and will not appear on a future Angelspit album. These tracks push the boundaries of awesomeness!
US$6 – Video + New Track
I make videos to try and help and inspire people. These videos will deal with more personal subjects – not just “how-to-make-art”, but also how to use art to help you get through day-to-day life. I want to inspire you to make your art happen.
Delivered at the same time as the New Track.
US$10 Live Jam Session + Video/Blipvert + Track
Live Jam Session – this will be amazing. I will make music live. It will go from cyber punk, to industrial dance, to noise, to horror soundscapes. During this I will also perform a few Angelspit tracks.
Also includes the Video/Blipvert + New Track.
Drops at the same time as the New Track and Video/Blipvert.
US$20 Merch Vouchers + Live Jam Session + Video/Blipvert + Track
All of the above plus a $13 voucher for Angelspit’s merch store. If you don’t use it before the next delivery, the they will build up.
Also, you become part of Angelspit’s research team – your thoughts and opinions will shape the direction of future songs and Blipvert/videos.
You will also get your name in the video credits as a THANK YOU!
Drops at the same time as the New Track, Video/Blipvert and Live Jam Session.
US$80 Skype + Merch Vouchers + Live Jam Session + Video/Blipvert + Track
Life coach of ROCK – I will Skype with you for at least an hour, and help manage your artistic output. Pointers for writing tracks, production, promotion, making a CD, printing merch, performing live…
Also includes:
+ $20 voucher for Angelspit’s merch store. If you don’t use it before the next delivery, the they will build up.
+ You become part of Angelspit’s research team – your thoughts and opinions will shape the direction of future songs and Blipvert/videos.
+ You will also get your name in the video credits as a THANK YOU!
Drops at the same time as the New Track, Video/Blipvert and Live Jam.
Your video “Stop being over critical” made me think. Is it you think that the fact of expressing its opinion on everything, to be critical or to have a critical mind increased with years (because internet)? Does that influence any of your decisions as artist/on your creative process?
One problem with social media is that you only see the finished product. Everyone shows photos and videos of their successes, but never the failures they had to overcome. This can make you feel like you are not good enough…and you become over critical.
Sometimes a rough, under developed idea is the best. You need to have confidence and make your art happen.
Last question: you will play in France one day ? Everybody waits you here!
I would love too!! I want to get back to Europe, UK soon…but it is becoming increasingly difficult to travel in/out of the USA…this government is increasingly difficult to deal with.
I am hoping to make it over in 2018.