Rocki Lee from Auxiliary Magazine give ‘Cult Of Fake‘ a close listen.
– Rocki Lee, Auxiliary Magazine
Rocki Lee from Auxiliary Magazine give ‘Cult Of Fake‘ a close listen.
Another glorious machine that shaped the 80’s! This one sounds more “Real”, however the sounds still react beautifully when tortures…ahh, those beautiful screams!
Samples are provided @ 44.1kHz 16bit and 15625kHz 16 bit (this lower sample rate is for anyone who wants to put them on their sampler…as this low sample rate gives a more accurate sound to the original)
Angelspit’s Patreon has SO MUCH AWESOMENESS – go clicky-click:
Angelspit’s FakeBook:
DISCLAIMER: This samples are free from “THE INTERNET”. Not sure where they came from…but we did beef them up a little. THANK YOU INTERNET!